Trello and the Art of Dragging

Posted by PK Fusselman on May 21, 2019

God, I miss those scrums!

Well, not really. Sometimes, maybe. Okay, yes, I miss dragging boxes from left to right. It's so damn satisfying! Who wants to do this every day?

I found my own, personal, sharable scrum board, and its name is Trello. I'm not making any money off this, so you can be assured this is sincere. I haven't talked to the Trello people at all. If I did, though, I'd ask one very important question. "Oh, Trello, why are you so awesome?"

It took me some time to figure out how to sort my projects out, but my entire life is so organized now!

The first board I created was for home improvements. I took the liberty of adding my better half to that board so he could, maybe, grab one of the to-do's and do it to its inevitable done-ness. As my mom once said regarding our one-eyed, neutered, overly-amorous, shelter-rescued, black terrier mix; "Hope springs eternal."

The second board I created was for my projects. Finish books, write things, website updates, crafts, lose 20 pounds, blah blah blah. Nobody has access to that one but me. You're welcome.

I have the Trello app on my phone, and it's updated real-time. It just doesn't get much better than this. Unless, of course, you also have this Bluetooth foldable keyboard. I'm so organized!

    If it's free, it's me. If I have to pay, no way.

    There are limited things you can do with the free version of Trello, but it's enough for me. "Simplicity is the key to brilliance." I was today years old when I found out that was a Bruce Lee quote.