Damned Distractions!

"Are you playing on your phone again?"

Posted by PK Fusselman on March 10, 2019

Yes, I was.

What are you doing right now? If you recorded the number of hours you did x would it be embarrassing to you? Yeah, me too.

But let's focus on what I Did accomplish in the last five weeks:

  • Found a ridiculously cool desktop app for making Bootstrap websites: Bootstrap Studio. I bought the lifetime package. It wasn't a difficult decision.
  • Recreated in Bootstrap Studio:
  • Made Emotional Sandbox secure.
  • Struggled with SSL, self-hosting, and reverse proxies and haven't gotten very far.

Good Distractions

Sometimes distractions can be good. Especially when you have been focusing for a long time on your computer and keyboard and that weird pain in the top of your back, just under your neck, tells you to take a break.

My cat, SOKS, just made my tower computer reboot. Seriously, that just happened. Freak. 

He's the best cat Ever. Fact.

Other good distractions? Well, I hate to admit it, but Tank 7 ranks right up there. I love living in Kansas City. Although my brother in South Korea tells me he found a Boulevard Brewery beer there. I need proof.

Bad Distractions

Actual internal dialog:
Did my link to boulevard.com work? Yes, it did.
Should I direct specifically to Tank 7? Well, let's look.
Oh, there's a recall of Tank 7 bottles? Holy crap.
Should I check the ones I have? Nah, too busy.
Are you that busy? No, but I'm enjoying writing right now, so...

House cleaning. It wears me out. I hate it. But nobody else in this house will do it. Even SOKS, as awesome as he is, couldn't run the vacuum. If I could, I'd hire someone to do it. Well, maybe not. I don't like strangers in my house.

Hearing the terrible news of a friend dying. I seriously will miss you beyond your comprehension, Jordan Davis. 

Games on my cell phone. If I saw the number of hours I have been doing Paint By Number, Words With Friends, Tropicats, various Picross apps, Crossword puzzles, Zen Sweeper, Spider Solitaire, Bricks Breaker... And those are just the top of my list. I don't know how my husband does it. He's a machine! He is always working. He takes a break usually in the evenings and watches TV or plays pool, but he probably beats himself up over it. Insane.

Until I can be a machine like Dan, I'll resign myself to being human and forgiving my flaws several times a day.

Image by Grammarly.com.