So it begins...

Pullin' up my bootstrap

Posted by PK Fusselman on February 5, 2019

I was looking through my websites and found the motivation I had years ago; when I loved the Internet and it's ability to showcase Creativity and Communication.

I had an idea for a ridiculously simple site: Emotional Sandbox which is my statement in response to everything going on now with facebook's privacy issues and a growing need for people to find a place to spew profanity or any other keyboard barf they have festering in their psyche without it forever being recorded in the Watching Web World.

It's completely anonymous. Yes, it really is. I'm not collecting any data at all.

But that's boring

I'll be adding to it. Version 1.5 or 2.0 or will add a couple options for the user to see others' posts and to share their own if they want.

Everything I write will be with the intent to use the least amount of code possible. Not because I hate to code; quite the opposite. I love clean code. Clean, elegant, tight code is amazing.

Emotional Sandbox v 1.0 Specs

Emotional Sandbox - version 1.0: Bootstrap 4 & custom css, JavaScript, HTML5, Brackets IO, FileZilla. Just a fun little minimalist project. If I didn't need the sand picture, it would be a total of 2.4 KB in file size overall.

This is the beginning of a learning/creating quest for me. I'm looking forward to the journey.

 Photographs by NASA on The Commons.